крафтим Vesper (S84)
Sealed Vesper Helmet
Sealed Vesper Leather Helmet
Sealed Vesper Circlet
[u][COLOR="Red"]Рецепт : 1
Куски : 19
Leolins,s Mold 1
Crafted Leather 510
Asofe 51
Orichalcum 26
S cry: 76
S gemstone: 13
Sealed Vesper Gauntlet
Sealed Vesper Leather Gloves
Sealed Vesper Gloves
Рецепт : 1
Куски : 19
Warsmith’s mold : 1
Crafted Leather : 210
High Grade Suede : 126
Asofe : 42
Orichalcum 21
S cry: 50
S gemstone: 9
Sealed Vesper Boots
Sealed Vesper Leather Boots
Sealed Vesper Shoes
Рецепт : 1
Куски : 19
Warsmith’s mold : 1
Crafted Leather : 210
High Grade Suede : 126
Asofe : 42
Orichalcum 21
S cry: 50
S gemstone: 9
Sealed Vesper Breastplate
Рецепт : 1
Куски : 19
Arcsmith’s Anvil : 3
Mithril Alloy : 435
Asofe : 290
Orichalcum 73
S cry: 201
S gemstone: 35
Sealed Vesper Gaiters
Рецепт : 1
Куски : 19
Arcsmith’s Anvil : 2
Mithril Alloy : 270
Asofe : 180
Orichalcum 45
S cry: 125
S gemstone: 22
Sealed Vesper Leather Armor
Sealed Vesper Tunic
Рецепт : 1
Куски : 19
Leolin’s Mold : 1
Crafted Leather : 770
Metalic Fiber : 462
Asofe : 154
Orichalcum 77
S cry: 152
S gemstone: 26
Sealed Vesper Leather Leggings
Sealed Vesper Stockings
Рецепт : 1
Куски : 19
Leolin’s Mold : 1
Crafted Leather : 470
Metalic Fiber : 282
Asofe : 94
Orichalcum 47
S cry: 96
S gemstone: 16
Sealed Vesper Shield
Sealed Vesper Sickle
Рецепт : 1
Куски : 19
Leolin’s Mold : 1
Mithril Alloy : 114
Crafted Leather : 38
Synthetic Cokes : 38
Asofe : 38
Orichalcum 19
S cry: 50
S gemstone: 9
Рецепты и куски добываются в МоС и СоА.
крафтим Vesper (s84) оружие
1.Vesper Shaper
Рецепт Vesper Shaper: 1
куски Vesper Shaper:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 728
Synthetic Cokes: 728
Durable Metal Plate: 364
Enria: 364
Adamantine: 182
S cry: 621
S gemstone: 108
2.Vesper Buster
Рецепт Vesper Buster: 1
куски Vesper Buster:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 728
Synthetic Cokes: 728
Durable Metal Plate: 364
Enria: 364
Adamantine: 182
S cry: 621
S gemstone: 108
3.Vesper Cutter
Рецепт Vesper Cutter: 1
куски Vesper Cutter:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 728
Synthetic Cokes: 728
Durable Metal Plate: 364
Enria: 364
Adamantine: 182
S cry: 621
S gemstone: 108
4.Vesper Slasher
Рецепт Vesper Slasher: 1
куски Vesper Slasher:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 786
Synthetic Cokes: 393
Durable Metal Plate: 393
Enria: 364
Adamantine: 197
S cry: 621
S gemstone: 108
5.Vesper Bow
Рецепт Vesper Bow: 1
куски Vesper Bow:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 1200
Durable Metal Plate: 480
High Grade Suede: 240
Braided Hemp: 240
Enria: 240
Adamantine: 120
S cry: 618
6.Vesper Caster
Рецепт Vesper Caster: 1
куски Vesper Caster:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 476
Synthetic Cokes: 476
Durable Metal Plate: 952
High Grade Suede: 238
Enria: 238
Adamantine: 119
S cry: 621
S gemstone: 108
7.Vesper Avenger
Рецепт Vesper Avenger: 1
куски Vesper Avenger:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 476
Synthetic Cokes: 476
Durable Metal Plate: 952
High Grade Suede: 238
Enria: 238
Adamantine: 119
S cry: 621
S gemstone: 108
8.Vesper Singer
Рецепт Vesper Singer: 1
куски Vesper Singer:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 476
Oricharukon: 340
Durable Metal Plate: 680
Braided hemp: 340
Coarse Bone Powder: 680
Enria: 340
Adamantine: 170
S cry: 622
9.Vesper Retributer
Рецепт Vesper Retributer: 1
куски Vesper Retributer:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 800
Synthetic Cokes: 400
Durable Metal Plate: 800
High Grade Suede: 200
Enria: 200
Adamantine: 100
S cry: 619
S gemstone: 108
10.Vesper Stormer
Рецепт Vesper Stormer: 1
куски Vesper Stormer:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 800
Synthetic Cokes: 400
Durable Metal Plate: 800
High Grade Suede: 200
Enria: 200
Adamantine: 100
S cry: 619
S gemstone: 108
11.Vesper Fighter
Рецепт Vesper Fighter: 1
куски Vesper Fighter:19
Warthmith Holder: 4
Mithril Alloy: 476
Synthetic Cokes: 476
Durable Metal Plate: 952
High Grade Suede: 238
Enria: 238
Adamantine: 119
S cry: 621
S gemstone: 108
Многие рецепты и куски дропаются и спойлятся в Seed of Annihilation, Monastery of Silence
Для вставки СА Необходимо:
Icarus Weapons 399 S гемстоунов
Vesper Weapons 623 S гемстоунов
Berphes Weapons 1073 S гемстоунов
Elegia Weapons 2022 S гемстоунов
крафтим бижу S80+
1.Vesper Jewelry
Ресурсы и рецепты добываются по квестам, дропу и спойлу в Seed of Annihilation, Monastery of silence
1.1.Vesper Necklace
mdef: 110
unsealed: mdef+15, mp+50
Рецепт Vesper Necklace(70%):1
Vesper Necklace gem:19
Warthmith Mold: 1
Metallic fiber:440
Varnish of Purity: 264
S cry: 76
S gemstone: 13
1.2.Vesper Earring
mdef: 83
unsealed: mdef+11, mp+37
Рецепт Vesper Earring(70%):1
Vesper Earring gem:19
Warthmith Mold: 1
Metallic fiber:320
Varnish of Purity: 192
S cry: 57
S gemstone: 10
1.3.Vesper Ring
mdef: 55
unsealed: mdef+7, mp+25
Рецепт Vesper Ring(70%):1
Vesper Ring gem:19
Maestro Mold: 1
Metallic fiber:220
Varnish of Purity: 132
S cry: 40
S gemstone: 7
2.Destiny Jewelry
Материалы для крафта можно раздобыть дропом, спойлом и квестами в Power combat training fields, Plains of Lizardmen, Beast Farm итд.
2.1.Destiny Necklace
mdef: 101
unsealed: mdef+14, mp+48
Рецепт Destiny Necklace(70%):1
Destiny Necklace gem:18
Warthmith Mold: 1
Metallic fiber:310
Varnish of Purity: 186
S cry: 53
S gemstone:10
2.2.Destiny Earring
mdef: 76
unsealed: mdef+10, mp+36
Рецепт Destiny Earring(70%):1
Destiny Earring gem:18
Warthmith Mold: 1
Metallic fiber:220
Varnish of Purity: 132
S cry: 41
S gemstone:7
2.3.Destiny Ring
mdef: 50
unsealed: mdef+7, mp+24
Рецепт Destiny Ring(70%):1
Destiny Ring gem:18
Maestro Mold: 1
Metallic fiber:160
Varnish of Purity: 96
S cry: 26
S gemstone:5
А также информация о новом сете
1.Destiny Heavy Set
Сет состоит из следующих предметов:
destiny gauntlets(64 pdef, 510 weight, 404 crystals)
destiny breastplate(238 pdef, 7520 weight, 1616 crystals)
destiny gaiters(149 pdef, 3170 weight, 1010 crystals)
destiny helmet(96 pdef, 530 weight, 606 crystals)
destiny boots(64 pdef, 1070 weight, 404 crystals)
destiny schield(355 schield def, 1190 weight, 424 crystals)
Эффекты сета:
STR+2, CON-2, patk+4.26%, +4% attackspeed, 2% magic resistance, 50% resistance to stun attack, fire/water/earth/wind attribute +3, можно надеть плащ
Редкие свойства:
destiny gauntlets rare(patk+0.83%, crit.attck.rate+0.67%, 5% shock resistance, wind attribute + 3)
destiny gaiters rare(patk+2.08%, crit.attck.rate+1.67%, 5% shock resistance, water attribute + 3)
destiny helmet rare(patk+1.25%,5% shock resistance, fire attribute + 3)
destiny boots rare(patk+0.83%, crit.attck.rate+0.67%, 5% shock resistance, wind attribute + 3)
destiny schield rare(2% magic resistance)
PVP: шанс понижения получаемых повреждений
2.Destiny Robe Set
Сет состоит из следующих предметов:
destiny gloves(64 pdef, 510 weight, 404 crystals)
destiny tunic(119 pdef, 1750 weight, 1212 crystals)
destiny stockings(74 pdef, 850 weight, 758 crystals)
destiny circlet(96 pdef, 530 weight, 606 crystals)
destiny shoes(64 pdef, 1070 weight, 404 crystals)
Эффекты сета:
WIT+2,Men-2, matk+8.11%, cstspd+15%, 50% paralysis resistance, fire/water/wind/earth attribute+5, можно одевать плащ
редкие эффекты
destiny gloves rare(matk+0.41%,5% paralysis resistance, wind attribute +5 )
destiny stockings rare(matk+1.03%,5% paralysis resistance, water attribute +5)
destiny circlet rare(matk+0.62%, 5% paralysis resistance, Fire attribute +5)
destiny shoes rare(matk+0.41%,5% paralysis resistance, wind attribute +5)
PVP: шанс понижения получаемых повреждений от критических ударов
3.Destiny Light Set
Сет состоит из следующих предметов:
destiny leather gloves(64 pdef, 510 weight, 404 crystals)
destiny leather brestplate(178 pdef, 4140 weight, 1212 crystals)
destiny leather leggings(111 pdef, 1320 weight, 758 crystals)
destiny leather helmet(96 pdef, 530 weight, 606 crystals)
destiny leather boots(64 pdef, 1070 weight, 404 crystals)
Эффекты сета:
DEX+2,CON-2, patk+4.26, attackspd+4%, moving speed +3%, 50% hold attack resistance, fire/water/wind/earth attribute+3, можно одевать плащ
Редкие эффекты:
destiny leather gloves rare(patk+0.83%, mp recovery + 0.67%, 5% hold attack resistance, wind attribute +3)
destiny leather leggings rare(patk+2.08%, mp recovery +1.67%, 5% hold attack resistance, water attribute +3)
destiny leather helmet rare(patk+1.25%, 5% hold attack resistance, Fire attribute +3)
destiny leather boots rare(patk+0.83%, mp recovery + 0.67%, 5% hold attack resistance, wind attribute +3)
PVP: шанс понижения получаемых повреждений
Способы получения:
дроп с мобов в Steel Citadel, Plains of Lizardmen, Beast Farm, Power combat training fields
квесты в локациях Power combat training fields, Plains of Lizardmen, Monastery of Silence
Дроп на эпик боссах
- Berphes броня и бижутерия
- Berphes/Elegia оружие
- Antharas Earring
- SB: Protection of Rune/Elemental/Alignment
- additional buffslot book
- LS85/86
- sealed cloak of spirit
- Berphes броня и бижутерия
- Berphes/Elegia оружие
- Valakas Necklace
- SB: Protection of Rune/Elemental/Alignment
- additional buffslot book
- LS85/86
- sealed cloak of spirit
- Vesper броня и бижутерия
- sealed cloak of spirit
- SB: Fighters/Archers/Magician Will
- Vesper оружие
- Berphes броня и бижутерия
- Frintezza Necklace
- SB: Protection of Rune/Elemental/Alignment
- additional buffslot book
- LS85/86
- sealed cloak of spirit
- Destiny & Vesper броня и бижутерия
- zaken earring
- LS86
- Vesper броня и бижутерия
- S85 оружие
- Freya Necklace
- S86 броня и бижутерия
- S85-86 оружие
- Blessed Freya Necklace
- бутылка с душой Freya
И еще
ИНФА О РАР эфектах ВЕСПЕРА http://imageshost.ru/photo/90749/id450033.html#100
ИНФА О СА http://l2sdelka.ru/freya/prokachka-s...e-2-freya.html
ФАРМ фреиhttp://l2sdelka.ru/freya/farm-frei.html